February 20, 2025
Next Review: 
July 2025


Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy

Version: BS.202312.02CoP


Bluestone.app is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy online and offline. This page provides details of how our website uses Cookies, and any additional Website tracking technologies to build a profile of your online activity on our website at www.bluestone.app.

Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we put on your computer. This helps us to distinguish you from other users of our website and helps us to provide you with a better experience when you browse our website, thereby allowing us to improve our website over time.

Some of the cookies we use on our website are essential, and the website will not work as expected without them. These cookies are set when you submit a form or interact with the site by doing something that goes beyond clicking on simple links.

Some of the cookies we use are ‘analytical’ cookies. These allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they’re using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by making sure users are finding what they need easily.

Some cookies are third-party cookies. These are set by partner organisations, such as Google. These may be used for marketing or advertising and are based on your actions taken on our website.

For further, general information about cookies, please visit the All About Cookies website.

Cookies & scripts that Bluestone.app uses

We use a number of cookies and scripts on our website to ensure it performs well, protects our visitors against security threats and for website traffic analysis purposes. We have provided further details of the cookies we use in the table below.

Name - Google Tag Manager. https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=gtm-t87x87r

Purpose - Google Tag Manager does not actually set any cookies onto your device directly. It facilitates the addition and management of tracking tags on a website. These tags, depending on their configuration and purpose, may result in third-party scripts placing cookies for various functionalities like tracking, analytics, or advertising. Tags added to this website using Google Tag Manager will be listed here. 

Duration - N/A

Name - Spotler | Gator Leads. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://t.gatorleads.co.uk/Scripts/ssl/ca8f1ffd-cd25-4555-b39c-5fbc494545d5.js&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1702545952219707&usg=AOvVaw17qXSPo-v3XV3n36rYZGB-

Purpose - Gator Leads does not work as a Cookie but as a script on pages across this website. Gator Leads is a website tracking and customer relationship management tool used by Bluestone.app to monitor the website. It is used to register statistical data on users' behaviour on the website and capture data of respondents who contact us via the website. It is also used for website analytics to review and ensure that this website operates effectively.

Duration - N/A

Name - Google Website Fonts. https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js

Purpose - Google web font used for the website fonts on this website. Google Fonts do not install cookies directly but they may transmit information of your IP addresses to Google servers so that the fonts can be displayed effectively to improve your user experience of our website.

Duration - Held for the duration of the session. 

Name - Google reCAPTCHA https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js

Purpose - Google reCAPTCHA may install cookies on the your  device whilst browsing this website. The primary cookie used by reCAPTCHA is _GRECAPTCHA, which is necessary for conducting risk analysis to determine whether traffic is legitimate or potentially malicious. reCAPTCHA collects personal information of users, including IP addresses and other interactions like mouse movements. It is used to protect against bots and automated abuse on website forms and user interactions in order to increase the safety of this website and users.

Duration -Held for the duration of the session. 

Name - Google Analytics (GA4)

Purpose - Google Analytics 4 (GA4) uses cookies to track user interactions on this website. When a person visits a website for the first time, the GA4 cookie is set, and Google Analytics sends a client ID with each interaction (or "hit") to associate these hits with a specific user. This is essential for tracking and analysing user behaviour across this website in order that we can review and make updates to improve user experience on this website. GA4 includes features that respect your cookie or app identifier consent status and will adjusts its behaviour based on these consent preferences.

Further details on Google Analytics Cookies can be found here: Google Analytics Cookie information

Duration - Session: The duration of a session is set by default to end after 30 minutes of user inactivity. This means that if there is no interaction from the user on this website within this 30-minute window, the session is considered to have ended. However, it's important to note that there is no upper limit to how long a session can last if your session remains active. 

Name - Adobe Typekit | Fonts

Purpose - Adobe Typekit, now known as Adobe Fonts, is a service that allows websites to use a wide range of fonts. Adobe Fonts does not set or use cookies to serve fonts on this website. Adobe Typekit may collect certain information in the process of delivering the font service which is typically non-personal and is used for the purpose of delivering the font service effectively to your device to deliver Adobe Fonts typeface visualisation.

Duration - Held for the duration of the session. 

Name - Indexed databases. Local storage and session storage

Purpose - These cookies are used to cache (store) a recent copy of pages from our website that you have viewed. They do not collect any personal data.

Duration - Held for the duration of the session. 

Name – HubSpot Tag

Source -  https://js.hs-scripts.com/145813182.js

Purpose – The HubSpot tag is used to facilitate the integration of HubSpot's tracking & services on the Bluestone website. Whilst HubSpot itself does not directly set cookies through this tag, the tag may trigger the loading of HubSpot’s tracking scripts, which could place cookies on your device for various purposes, such as lead tracking, analytics, and personalisation of content. The cookies set by HubSpot help improve the user experience by allowing us to understand visitor behaviour and deliver tailored content.

Duration – N/A

Other Tracking that we may use

We may collect information about your computer, including where available your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration purposes. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns, and does not identify any individual.

Privacy Policy

For further information about how Bluestone may use data collected about you from our website, please review our Privacy Policy.

Contact us with any questions

Questions, comments and requests regarding our cookie policy are welcomed and should be addressed to marketing@bluestone.app or in writing to Bluestone, Lakeside House, Navigation Court, Wakefield, WF2 7BJ. For a more detailed overview of cookies, including how to control and disable them, please visit: http://www.allaboutcookies.org.

We reserve the right to update this Cookie Policy. To ensure that you remain updated on our use of cookies and scripts, please bookmark this page and check for updates or contact with any questions.

This Cookie Policy was last updated on 20th February 2025.

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